Monday, April 9, 2007

Watch it while they check up on it

While I know I'm on tv, radio, and the webinet like all day long and it's hard to miss one of my jams even if you tryin', I thought I'd compile a short list of my favorite sites about me just in case you need a fix.

You can go here or here or here or here or here or here if you want like general news, photos of me categorized by date, sub-categorized by event and cohorts. Go here if you want to see my movie roles.

Go here if you want to see my hot new clothing line "House of Dereon", r
ead about my mama and grandma and their fashion inspirations on me, or hear the hot "Deja Vu" instrumental track.

Here is where a few of my songs can be bought like ringtones. Even though they don't have a lot, I like them because their slogan is "get dfrnt."

And try here if you need a new, trademarked B'ddy icon. This one's my fave:

Thanks for yo' support!

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